2013年5月28日 星期二

A Magical Sandcastle

One day, Kelvin went to the beach with his family. Mum and Dad said kindly, ’Kelvin and Amy, just go and play yourselves, but don’t go too far away.’ Then, Mum and Dad were sunbathing on the beach chair comfortably and slept.
      Immediately, they started to play with the sand and decided to build something. After half an hour, a huge and real-looking sandcastle appeared in front of their eyes.  They were very excited and shouted, “What an amazing sandcastle!”

      Standing outside the door of the sandcastle, Amy was curious and asked, ‘Can we get in there?’ ‘Okay, it’s a good idea!’ Kelvin held Amy’s hand and they went inside.
      To their surprise, they saw a big, green tortoise which talked to them. ‘Hello, welcome to my sandcastle!’ They also discovered some giant sea creatures like an octopus and a starfish. They were extremely frightened.

      They rushed out of the sandcastle and screamed loudly, ‘Mum and Dad, help us!’ Finally, they were safe.

      After this experience, they swore that they would never build sandcastles anymore…