2013年1月15日 星期二

~A Horror Movie~

        Last Saturday, Mr. William’s son said, ‘I’m bored.’

      ‘I’ll rent a movie, so you can enjoy it at home!’ Mr. William replied. His son felt happy.

      He asked the salesperson to recommend a movie which was a blockbuster. After he came back home, he showed it to his family. ‘Oh! It’s a horror movie, ‘Bloody Night’.’ They were shocked.
      Mr. William said, ‘It’s too far away to exchange for another one, so let’s watch it together!’

      While they were watching the film, a horrible monster appeared! His wife was scared and covered her eyes with her hands. His son cried out and said, ‘Oh, it’s terrible!’ However, Mr. William pretended that he was not afraid.
      That night, all of them dare not to sleep. Finally, they fell asleep, but they couldn’t sleep soundly. They all dreamed about the same monster coming out to eat them.


2013年1月8日 星期二

A Bad Day for Jack

      Yesterday, Jack had a bad day.

      After school, Jack went to the tutorial centre as usual. In the centre, Jack gave his dictation book to the tutor. When he saw the book, he said angrily, ‘Why are your dictation marks so low?’ Jack was sad.
      When he came back home, his father saw his report card and he shouted furiously, ‘You lazy guy! Did you study for your exam? I won’t let you play computer games for a month.’ Jack felt miserable.

      He rushed out of the door immediately. He was walking alone in the street sadly. Suddenly, it was raining heavily. Unfortunately, Jack forgot to bring his umbrella. He got wet all over his body.

      What an unlucky day for Jack!

Help save the Earth

I think the pollution problem in Hong Kong is serious.  For example, our air is polluted by the exhausted gases from transport. Also, Hong Kong people produce a lot of rubbish. Some selfish people play music too loudly.

There are a lot Hong Kong people should do to protect the environment.  First, we should take more public transport. Second, we shouldn’t waste paper and use both sides of it. Trees play an important role in our environment, so we should protect them. Third, we should be more considerate and shouldn’t play music loudly.

      The Earth is our home. We should be responsible citizens to protect it by all means. Let’s start having a green life!